Sunday, December 28, 2008

Israeli air strikes against Hamas positions in Gaza-Contrasting Media Coverage from Fox News and Russia Today

The two videos provide a fascinating insight into media coverage of Middle East affairs. The Fox News video places a greater emphasis on Hamas attacks whilst the Russia Today video emphasizes more strongly the civilian casualties and places less emphasis on Hamas attacks.


rainywalker said...

There is likely three kinds of truth. The real truth, what the media tells us and what God saw. I would expect the Russians to stress civilian deaths and their view since they support Hamas. Then there is FOX, CNN, NBC, etc. that pitch there own version of events for ratings and leave out what we really need to know. I just did a post on this subject.
There is not going to be a human solution to this problem, nor has there been one in 2000 years.

Anonymous said...

The media here - National Public Radio - are broadcasting only quotes of "A war to the bitter end" and the US position, "It's Hamas' fault for breaking the ceasefire" meanwhile I have heard reports last week of difficulty getting Humanitarian aid into Gaza.