Monday, April 14, 2008

Spineless Clinton justifies her support for abortion at the Faith in Public Life's Compassion Forum and thumbs her nose at Christianity

In her appearance at the Faith in Public Life's Compassion Forum at Messiah College, near Harrisburg in Pennsylvania, Clinton sought to justify her support for abortion. According to CNN having met- in Romania- a group of women who were forced by the Communist regime to give birth to as many children as possible, Hillary Clinton became a supporter of women's right to abortion.
As far as Clinton is concerned it justifiable to to destroy the life of the unborn child in the womb because of the sins of the regime.

She said that every woman should be allowed to make her own decision and that abortion should remain safe and legal. God should have no say in the matter.
Clinton proclaims herself a Christian. Unfortunately and regretfully she is a Christian in name only. She has set herself against the laws of God.
The fifth commandment states” Thou shalt not kill”. No ifs no buts.
Women are not compelled by the US Government to have children. How does she justify her support for abortion in the US?
Fact of the matter is that Clinton wishes to to climb to power with the support of the pro aborts. c 1.37 MILLION children were aborted in the US in 2007. In excess of 50,000,000 babies have been done to death by abortion in the US since Roe V Wade.
Clinton lacks the moral fibre to oppose the abortion holocaust. She is a weak and cowardly politician.

Clinton, asked whether she believed life begins at conception, replied that "the potential for life begins at conception," adding that the Methodist church, her denomination, had "struggled with this issue."
Once more she runs for cover. She uses a formula of words to obfuscate.
Life begins at conception. She knows that but cannot admit the truth.

She refers to the Holy Spirit. Does she seriously believe that abortion is in accord with God’s wishes?

Clinton told CNN's Campbell Brown and Newsweek's Jon Meacham. "I don't think that I could have made my life's journey without being anchored in God's grace and without having that, you know, sense of forgiveness and unconditional love”.
Those who support abortion have set themselves against Gods grace. Where is the unconditional love for the unborn child in the womb?

Those politicians who promote abortion have the blood of innocent children on their hands.
No Christian can in good conscience vote for a politician who advocates abortion. The right to life is absolute. Sen Robert P Casey (Jnr) Pa and former congressman Timothy J. Roemer both of whom oppose abortion should reconsider their support for Obama. Hopefully Clinton and Obama will be consigned to the dustbin of history.

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