Sunday, February 24, 2008

Irish voters select Dustin the Turkey and give Eurovision the bird.

The puppet Dustin the Turkey has been chosen to represent Ireland in the first Semi-Final of the Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade on Tuesday 20th of May.

The initial decision by RTE to nominate Dustin as one of six finalists for Irish Eurosong 2008 was certainly bird brained to say the least.

The voting public –by its decision-has given the Eurovision Song Contest the bird. It leaves a “fowl” taste and is feather-brained.

Hopefully Dustin will have some table manners.


Arden Forester said...

I got your message on my blog. I didn't know it was an entry into the semi-final. You never know, protest or not, the European juries might be just as peverse! He might win.

John Barry said...

In all probability it will make Ireland a laughing-stock of Europe. But as you state Arden he just might win. Somehow I think that we will have icebergs in the Sahara first.