Monday, January 28, 2008

Kennedy endorses Obama and nukes Hillary Clinton

Today at the American University in Washington DC Senator Edward Kennedy in the presence of Patrick Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy endorsed Barack Obama. This is a huge boost for the Obama campaign. Kennedy will use his undoubted powers of persuasion to woo labour and Latinos into the Obama fold. At this juncture Hillary Clinton has much greater support amongst labour and Latinos than Obama. Obama's prospects of securing the nomination may rise or fall depending on Kennedy's success. Edward Kennedy views Obama as the new JFK.

“It is time again for a new generation of leadership,” Mr. Kennedy said.. “It is time now for Barack Obama.”................ “With Barack Obama, there is a new national leader who has given America a different kind of campaign — not just about himself, but about all of us,” Mr. Kennedy said. “A campaign about the country we will become, if we can rise above the old politics that parses us into separate groups and puts us at odds with one another.” This is a slashing attack on Hillary Clinton and is calculated to inflict the maximum damage on her campaign in the run in to Super Tuesday or Tsunami Tuesday. It is probable that the ugly campaign tactics used by the Clintons may have been the final straw for Kennedy.

In addition John Kerry has already endorsed Obama. His endorsement is also significant. In an email to three million supporters of his 2004 presidential campaign he stated. "We must stop the swiftboating, stop the push-polling, stop the front groups, and stop the email chain smears". Here he was attacking the Clinton campaign.

The support of Kennedy and Kerry should ensure that the race for the Democratic party nomination will tighten. Nevertheless Clinton is still the marginal favourite. Can the endorsements of Kennedy and Kerry overpower the Clinton machine?

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